Serena Oriero

National Night Out

National Night Out

Join us out on the field on Tuesday, October 3rd, from 6:30-8:30 PM for Ice cream, fire trucks, bounce houses, karaoke, and a chance to meet our neighbors—a fun FREE event for the whole family.

Avenues to Provide

At The Avenue, supporting our various ministries extends beyond traditional methods of giving. Avenues to Provide offers a unique opportunity to directly contribute to the needs of each ministry. Whether it’s donating musical instruments for worship, supplies for children’s programs, or technology upgrades for outreach efforts, each item on the list below represents a tangible way to make a meaningful impact. By fulfilling these specific needs, we not only help provide for that ministry but also foster an environment where every member can actively participate in our mission. Your contribution from the list isn’t just a donation; it’s a vital part of empowering our ministries to continue spreading the love that crosses the street. 

Link: Avenues to provide

Summer Day Camp

Summer Day Camp

FREE Summer Day Camp. CREATED TO…DAY CAMP. Open to kiddos entering 1st-6th grades. July 8th-11th, 9 AM- 12:30 PM.

Sign-ups start May 20th.

Created to worship! To move! Created to learn, create, and to connect! Above all, created to know God! The Avenue Church 8223 California Ave. Register from 5/20–6/24 using the QR code and complete the forms and waivers. Students joining us will explore activities that God created them to thrive in! From music and worship to learning, to sports and play, and creating art, students will engage in fun activities and ultimately learn about the loving God who created them!

If you have questions, you can email

Easter Celebration Service

Easter Celebration Service

Easter is a time for celebrating the new life that we have in Jesus Christ. Join us for our Easter Celebration Service on Sunday, March 31st, at 10:30 AM. Nursery care and classes for kids and youth are provided. We will be offering water baptism during our Easter Service for those who are ready to take the next step in their journey. 

Youth SUNDAY FUNDAY Fundraiser

Join us this Sunday, February 4th, right after service for our Youth Fundraiser.

The goal is to raise $3,000.00. 

Vaccination Clinic Clínica de Vacunacíon

Vaccination Clinic Clínica de Vacunacíon

Walk-ins Welcome. No appointments necessary.

No se necesitan citas.

The Avenue Church
February 6, 2024
11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

• Vaccine is based on availability and eligibility.
• La vacuna se basa en la disponibilidad y la elegibilidad.
• COVID-19 vaccine is available to uninsured adults ages 19 and
above and to those whose insurance does not cover the vaccine or
requires a co-payment.
• La vacuna contra COVID-19 está disponible para adultos mayores de
19 años de edad sin aseguranza, también para individuales con
aseguranza que no cubre la vacuna o requiere un copago.

Avenues to Freedom

Avenues to Freedom

Join us for a Prayer and healing service on Sunday, October 29th, at 6 PM at The Avenue. You can find more information about this service in the October newsletter or in the announcements during the Sunday morning services this month. 

Music Lessons

Music Lessons

The Avenue has the incredible privilege to announce that we are opening our own music studio! Moriah Summers and Daniel Garzaro will offer private and group lessons to study voice, guitar, or piano. Our vision is to provide quality music education at an affordable price in a loving and encouraging environment for students of all ages and experience levels. 

If you or someone you know is interested, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at: 
Church office #: (951) 359-3582

Summer Yard Sale

Summer Yard Sale

The Yard Sale is taking place on Saturday August 12th, 2023

As a vendor, please complete the Registration Form below and pay your $25 donation to the Church office. All donations are going to support our local and global mission partners. Event registration must be completed at least 7 days before the event. Make all $25 donation checks to California Avenue Christian Fellowship (CACF) and mail them to 8223 California Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504. You can also give in person at our office or go online at, click “Give,” and then click “Other” with Yard Sale in the comments.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Debbie Shanahan (951-500-6620). Email: or. You can also contact the church office at 951-359-3582. 

Details on the day: Arrive between 6:00 AM –6:30 AM; bring your own tables and EZ ups, first come, the first choice of spots, 10 x 10 spots socially distanced.