Anchored in Christ

Anchored in Christ

 Join our senior’s group, which meets on the second Thursday of the month for good food and great fellowship. Lunch is provided so invite your friends and hope to see you there.

Community Dance Party

Community Dance Party

Invite your friends and neighbors and help us actively love our community by providing a fun and safe space for the community to enjoy on Friday November 18 at 7pm.

Road Signs – Week 2

Road Signs – Week 2

Why do you think God has signs in the bible? God uses sign posts to guide us and lead us on the road trip of life and when we pay attention to the signs that He is faithful to give us, we will know how to follow the right path.

Father’s Day

Father’s Day

What does it mean to have an opportunity? We need to realize that God has given us every opportunity to live by the Spirit, to sow and reap by the Spirit and that we have more to give than what we are giving right now.

Light of the World

Light of the World

Jesus is the light of the world and he came to be the light and the darkness has not overwhelmed the light. God is faithful to shine his light onto our heart and show us the truths of his word and the depths of his love against the darkness that we may have become accustomed to.